Jack Eckstrom's Expectations (By His Mom)

I'm sitting here thinking about how to frame the expectations of a 5-year-old since that's how old Jack is.  As usual, I'm sure he's understanding more about this Children's Congress than I give him credit for understanding but I'm still pretty sure he's not expecting to accomplish much other than meeting other kids with diabetes and having fun (isn't that what a 5-year-old is supposed to do?). 

I try to explain to him what we’ll be doing, who we’ll be meeting, and what I hope to accomplish and all he says is, "I wish I didn’t have diabetes" and "I wish there was a cure."  I suppose, in his own way, saying those things to Senators Boxer and Feinstein, and Rep. Lofgren, will be precisely what he should want to accomplish. 

Jack is at the age now when any memory could become his "first" memory.  From my perspective, this fantastic opportunity to meet so many other children and families battling the same battle and lobbying for the same things would be an outstanding first memory to have.  It will undoubtedly become one of my more poignant memories.

Read Jack's delegate profile.