Age: 9
Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

Hattie is a busy girl with a wide variety of interests. She plays piano and softball, dances, bakes and plays video games. On top of all of that, she loves to see her diabuddies. As a JDRF Youth Ambassador, Hattie has met many other kids with T1D. Since Hattie was diagnosed with T1D at age two, her parents have been very involved with the JDRF community, and advocating for Hattie and all people living with T1D. She has a lot more freedom with T1D, now that she has a continuous glucose monitor, but she still wants to see more scientific improvements. Hattie says ““My greatest wish is a future without type 1 diabetes.”

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.