Age: 14
Age at T1D diagnosis: 10

Hannah overcame the initial impact of being diagnosed with T1D to develop an impressive advocacy effort. She recalls “I was shocked at first, especially when I found out I was going to have multiple shots/injections.” Yet Hannah and her family turned to JDRF. She has since served as a JDRF Youth Ambassador, participated in several clinical trials, raised more than $14,000 for her JDRF Walk and has even appeared in local media. Yet, as she puts it, “diabetes is just one piece of me.” From crocheting, painting and other crafts to training her dog in 4ā€“H, Hannah boasts a wide range of interests. Her reason for attending this year’s JDRF Children’s Congress is simply to “help Congress understand how they can help turn Type One into Type None.”

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.