Age: 16
Age at T1D diagnosis: 7

In a moving letter to her Congressman, Haley explained that complications from T1D are “scary for me and the millions of others with type 1 diabetes in this country. That’s why I am so involved with JDRF. That’s why I hiked 221 miles and nearly froze to death on top of the tallest peak in our country,” she said of the Summit Diabetes challenge to Mount Whitney she and her brother created. “There are dangers that come along with this disease.” Haley leads Phoenix’s largest JDRF Walk team, serving as a Family Team Coach and Family Team Chair, volunteering and speaking about T1D at events. She is “one of the most involved students” at her school, a baseball and softball player, class president and a two–time recipient of her school’s class leadership award.

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.