Age: 12
Age at T1D diagnosis: 2

Finn’s philosophy is simple but profound. “Type 1 diabetes is like a gigantic speed bump. It slows you down, but with the right attitude, you can always keep going.” Finn has kept going, managing his T1D while playing baseball, sailing, and excelling in school (especially in his favorite subjects—Latin and math).

Finn played an integral role in connecting JDRF to the Cohasset Triathlon, a hometown event that recognizes JDRF as its charity of choice. Today, the triathlon is one of JDRF’s largest third-party fundraisers—it has raised nearly $1 million for the organization. Through his work there—he helps with setup and cleanup each year—Finn met Gary Hall Jr., an Olympic Gold Medal swimmer with T1D, who encouraged Finn to apply for Children’s Congress. Today, Finn shares Hall’s advice with others: “Never let type 1 diabetes beat you.”

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.