Age: 14
Age at T1D diagnosis: 8

Cecilia finds the silver lining in having T1D. “Type 1 diabetes is not easy to live with. It is very frustrating and aggravating. But like the riders on Team Type 1, I choose to focus on the positive. For example, I met some of my closest friends through type 1 diabetes.”

Cecilia has raised awareness during the past two presidential elections, making phone calls and meeting face-to-face with voters to explain the importance of stem cell research and the impact of Supreme Court justice appointments. She also volunteers for the Clara Barton Camp, a camp for girls with T1D. Cecilia has played soccer since age five, and plays the guitar. She also enjoys theater, participating in plays, musicals, and Shakespearean scenes at school, and creating her own plays at home.

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.