Age: 11
Age at T1D diagnosis: 5

Intisar believes it takes a village to improve life with T1D. “I strongly believe that it takes a community and, indeed, the nation to combat diabetes. It takes parents and families, educators and school staff, doctors and healthcare providers, researchers and scientists, legislators and policymakers, community and government officials,” she says, “all working together toward supporting this cause, advancing research and, ultimately, finding a cure.” Intisar plays an enthusiastic part in that group effort. She has appeared in Diabetesville, USA, a documentary about diabetes, visited her Congressman as part of the JDRF Promise to Remember Me campaign, and has been featured in TV commercials for the South Texas Juvenile Diabetes Association. She loves reading, swimming and mentoring newly diagnosed kids and their families. “I have seized every opportunity to promote awareness about T1D,” says Intisar.

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.