Age: 14
Age at T1D diagnosis: 3

Dillon imagines a world without T1D. “A cure would allow for parents to rest easier when their child steps on the field, goes for a bike ride, or says, ‘See you tomorrow, Mom!’ before their first sleepover. It would allow for children to focus on getting good grades instead of HbA1cs, and studying for tomorrow’s test, not worrying about the low blood sugar that could cause a seizure during the night.”

Dillon works toward finding the cure he describes, discussing T1D at the Brass Ring Luncheon and at 1,500-person events in Denver and Los Angeles for JDRF. As a member of the Team Type 1 junior cycling team, Dillon proves that athletes with T1D can still compete like champions. His dream is to study international relations at Harvard University.

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.