Senator Susan Collins – Maine – You Are Making A Difference

As Chair of the Children's Congress Senate hearings in 2001, 2003, and 2005, I have seen how delegates and their families, by telling their stories and putting a human face on type one diabetes, are making a difference for themselves and everyone with the disease. Since Children's Congress first began, we have tripled the amount of federal funding for diabetes research.

I have been a strong supporter of JDRF's agenda to increase federal funding for type one diabetes research for a long time. In fact, I was inspired to get involved by a JDRF family who visited me as part of the Promise to Remember Me Campaign when I first became a Senator. As a result of that meeting, and many others since, I founded the Senate Diabetes Caucus and now serve as the co-chair.

I am currently involved in a number of important diabetes-related initiatives, including leading the effort to build support among my Senate colleagues to increase funding for type one research this year. Together, we are making great progress toward a cure, and I encourage all of the Children's Congress delegates to keep their hope alive and continue to do their part as advocates.

To learn more about Sen. Collins, please visit her website at