William dreams of becoming a commercial airline pilot. Current laws don't permit people with type 1 to obtain a commercial pilot's license, so he and his family want to work to establish new laws allowing those with type 1 diabetes to fly under certain circumstances.

William dreams of becoming a commercial airline pilot. Current laws don't permit people with type 1 to obtain a commercial pilot's license, so he and his family want to work to establish new laws allowing those with type 1 diabetes to fly under certain circumstances. Diagnosed at age eight, William knows that progress is possible. He says that thanks to research progress, he wears an insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitoring system to help manage his diabetes. "I want to help [Congress] understand how much progress JDRF is making with their research, how important it is to keep that research funded, and how much it will impact so many lives," he says. A JDRF Youth Ambassador, William has helped raise almost $200,000 during Walk season, and has met with members of Congress to encourage funding. When he's not raising awareness of type 1, William enjoys playing tennis and soccer.

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.