Age: 12
Age at T1D diagnosis: 8

Justin doesn’t just dream about a life without T1D, but fantasizing does happen to be a part of his awareness efforts. Justin started a game called Fantasy Diabetes, modeled after fantasy football, which lets a group of his friends guess his blood-glucose level twice weekly to earn points. The game, featured in Diabetes Forecast magazine, means that “now the entire sixth-grade class understands my type 1 diabetes.” He has also raised money, earning more than $23,500 for JDRF through his Walk team.

Justin, who is in the advanced math program at his school, was invited to join a program for gifted young students at Duke University. A golfer and basketball player, his dream is to someday play professional basketball in the National Basketball Association, or to become a sports commentator and analyst.

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JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Our strength lies in our exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D.